sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Nuevo Proyecto Guerra de Granada

Hola amigos,

Os presento un nuevo proyecto que me estan pintando, el de la Guerra de Granada.

En principio he empezado con ordenes militares y caballeria Graadina, Ahh y con el grupo de mando Cristiano

Espero que os guste!!!

El primero es el Gran Maestre de la orden de Santiago con su gonfalon

A continuacion el contingente Calatravo,

Por ultimo, de lo pintado hasta ahora del contingente cristiano , el grupo de mando de la toma de Granada.

Figuras transformadas de Perry y TAG

Por ultimo, parte del contingente granadino:

Los primeros "Zenetes" 12 de un total de 48 figuras, los originales son Beduinos de Perry con adargas de TAG

Estos son los primeros lanceros pesados, conocidos por los Granadinos por Mamelucos, y por los cristianos por Elches.

Llevan equipo cristiano con ropas de influencia norteafricanas, adargas, y lanzas ligeras.

Y estos son los mismos pero pintados....


9 comentarios:

  1. The conversions are amazing, I can't wait to see how this collection develops. Will you be doing a young Gonzalo de Cordoba as well?

  2. Hi, Oli,
    thanks, I will make,varius command stands, for Granada war, Granada civil war and Castilian civil war:
    King Enrique
    Duque de Villena
    Conde de Cabra
    Duque de Cadiz
    Duque del infantado (Mendoza Family)
    Fernado Rey de Sicilia
    Arzobispo de Toledo
    Rey de Portugal
    El Zagal
    Ali Atar (Boabdil father in law)

    Best Regards!!

    1. That is some list, I am really keen to see how the armies develop as it is a project I have considered before myself.

      For a bit of Wars of the Roses flavour you could always add Edward Woodville to that list, he fought in the siege of Loja.

    2. Thanks Oli, in the Granada wars, There were British contingent, French, Swiss, German and Italian, I prefer to just Castellanos and Aragonese contingent to do the civil war in Castile and Aragon and irmandiña rebellion in Galicia.
      I will paint figures for The English civil war between Lancaster and York houses, but the next year,and a French Ordenance after them
      Best Regards

  3. The conversions of the Perry figures are really good and they look very effective as Moors. I'm also interested in trying to create these armies, oneday. I am hopeful of the Perrys making figures from their EA Range, but Michael has said that he has no current plans for specific Spanish/Moors figures- which is a shame. Look forward to seeing more!

    1. Thanks Simon,

      send to several emails asking perry brothers extend the range to Granada but even answered me , so I decided he had to transform the figures with what was in the market. so I started researching a bit and although there is a lot of information , I could organize something like two armies , one mostly Grenadian , with Christian influences , and another also Granada but with as many North African mercenaries, both for civil wars in Granada between Boabdil and his uncle Zagal .
      The situation of the Iberian Peninsula at the time, is very similar, as far as political chaos refers to the situation in England in the War of the Roses , and very interesting , there is civil war in Castile and Granada , rebellion Galicia , Catalonia nobles getting up , change of power in Portugal, Fuenterrabia French intervention in the war with Granada , with few trasnformaciones , the incorporation of Navarre, and the beginning of the Italian wars
      Best regards

  4. Excellent work, love the conversions, the paintjob, and the great work on the colors...beautiful units!
